Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Baby stuff

Well, I think I will post some older projects now, just so this blog won't get stale waiting on me to finish something new (trust me - I'm working on a lot of new things, I just haven't been able to find the time to finish any of them!!).

In the meantime, here are the cute baby things I knitted last fall/this spring for the new babies in my life.

This bunny is from a pattern on the Lion Brand website. I actually followed all of the instructions, including the yarn suggestions, which was a first for me. The scarf, however, I added on my own. His head was a little too floppy without it, and I thought the additional color was pleasant :)

Almost Christmas 068

And, with the baby

Almost Christmas 072

And this is the sweater I made for my niece, Caitlin. There are a few things I wish were different about the pattern, but it was so cute and tiny when it was finished.


1 comment:

whywouldyouknitthat said...

Your bunny is adorable. Wow, it is big. Great job!